See what all the hub bub is about with Color Me Rad. Click on the above photos to stroll through the best of the best. Check out the write up at Place To Go/ People To Know and see all the photos on my Flickr portfolio. The shots of the kids will have you laughing…

A Boy And His Corn: Strolling through Lansdale Day I came across this guy. This little boy was a reminder of all the joys that one simple indulgence can bring. We all need a reminder from time to time to stop over complicating life and just enjoy the simple things.

There is nothing like packing up and heading into the woods. The above montage displays some of our most quintessential moments over the 2011 camping year. The feeling I long to express that correlates with the great escape to the outdoors cannot be better phrased than in the words of Henry David Thoreau: I went…