Photo Documentarian Series: To Philly With Love (Photo 2) Back in April I posted my first To Philly With Love photo. (Click here to see) Today I offer this installation. I stumbled upon the Philadelphia equivalent of lipstick on a pig while I was walking from Monks to Market East. I passed by a construction…
There was no avoiding all the jollies of the Holiday Spirit in Lansdale this past Friday. It seemed like everyone came out to the see the Christmas tree, hear the carols and visit Santa. Despite the chilly nature of the evening, few were deterred. There was no chill that couldn’t be remedied with some warm…
Meet Cliff. This dedicated volunteer took post outside (It was really cold!) of Pennbrook Middle school all day in order to represent his party. I caught him fixing one of the signs that had become detached and was swaying in the wind. Some electric tape should do the trick. I thought, nothing says dedication down…
Matt and Courtney Smith: The most hard hearted vagrant would be hard pressed to disavow the validity of love once setting sights on Matt and Court. I don’t get to see them very often, but true confessions: in darker days I would notice their album posts on ubiquitous facebook and would take in all their…
Watching some kids playing during the last days of summer I was reminded of a piece of childhood that I miss. There is a certain abandon that comes so easily with youth. I miss the excitement of doing any activity overriding all reservations and the enthusiasm to just forget about time or poise and let…