Jill called me from Wisconsin. Wait. Maybe it was Minnesota. The only thing I remember is that when she told me, I thought, “Colder than Philadelphia.” and I shuttered a little. Either way, it was far away… and colder. She had some exciting news. She was pregnant!! I didn’t know Jill, but I was still…

Melissa has been my most faithful fan (besides my fiancé, David, of course). It was with great joy that I provided my fourth photo session with her beautiful family in five years, in which her fifth wedding anniversary was celebrated. At this point I really should give her a photo session rewards punch card. Sincerely,…

At the end of my first session with Andrea, Dan and their, then, two year old son Christian, she disclosed that they hoped to have another baby in the near future asked me about a Watch Me Grow Series. The Watch Me Grow series documents the milestones of the first year of life. As a…