This past Easter weekend I went home and, with my family, spread my Father’s ashes. In an unceremonious and seemingly uncorrelated event, I decided I wanted to gather several transplants from the home I grew up at to bring back to our new home in Pennsylvania. What transpired from this was a sort of “act…

In America and many other countries to say a woman’s place is in the kitchen is to evoke a spectrum of hostile responses and rightfully so. There’s no need for a women’s lib lecture for you to know where we’ve come from and how far we’ve come. Yet in some countries the kitchen is also…

Dave and I began a journey in home buying several months ago. It led to a place we will soon call home. Right now it is a well constructed mountain of work. In between the carpet removal and the floor sanding, the demolition and the reconstruction; I’ve done what I know best to do with…