Photo Documentary: Vault Brewing Company James and John, brothers and owners of Vault Brewing Company, were kind enough to allow me to be the fly on the wall one very busy Friday afternoon. I’ve sampled the flight and the food, chatted with the patrons and taken in the atmosphere. I’m really impressed how well they’ve…

Kings have been mocked for many things throughout history, but rarely does it involve their taste in beer. Wicked Weed derives its name from a Henry VIII quote, “Hops are a wicked and pernicious weed.” destined to ruin beer. Inspired by such a lofty challenge as to overthrow the rants of an iconic king, the…

There is not one bone in my body that was disappointed or even remotely blase during my visit to Forest and Main Brewing Company. All I could think around every turn was, “They nailed it.” – the ambiance, the food, the beer. The moment I approached I was taken in by the welcoming aspect of…

My affinity toward unassuming establishments is really part of a greater world view. I love to be surprised by life (in a good way). It’s a person I’ve pegged to be one thing and turns out to be something else entirely or a place I thought was simply four walls, but come to find out,…