“You’ve got to grow up sometime.” Alex’s couch surfing host interjected in a flat mumble that denoted either absolute sincerity or comic genius. I’m still not sure which. Alex was animatedly recounting one of his many inconceivable moments in his two year trek hitchhiking across the country with his best friend, Batman. (No. He’s not…

There is not one bone in my body that was disappointed or even remotely blase during my visit to Forest and Main Brewing Company. All I could think around every turn was, “They nailed it.” – the ambiance, the food, the beer. The moment I approached I was taken in by the welcoming aspect of…

My affinity toward unassuming establishments is really part of a greater world view. I love to be surprised by life (in a good way). It’s a person I’ve pegged to be one thing and turns out to be something else entirely or a place I thought was simply four walls, but come to find out,…

Last weekend I had the enormous pleasure of capturing Lansdale’s First Friday. There was no shortage of fun events to dive into. My personal favorite was Juston Spinto’s band parked right next to Round Guys Brewery, which was handing out free beer samples. Juston sounded amazing without the beer, but given the blazing heat –…

In my mind, there are two things that should go together as often as possible: charity and libation. Sufficed to say when I happened upon the East Meets Local Brewfest: Brews For Books flyer a couple weeks ago, I was enthusiastic. When I found out that $30 of the $35 dollar ticket was tax deductible,…

Starting the day with a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s you’re thing) is such a universal practice. Nearly everyone has a cup of something, but I would argue that most popular are those beans that grow on the sides of mountains in warm places. People just can’t get enough. It brings me joy…

This past week I experienced spectacular nature on display in many forms when I visited Niagara Falls. The above photos were just one stop along the way at the Niagara Falls Butterfly Conservatory. I had never been to a butterfly conservatory, so I arrived astounded and walked around several times before I could get my…

See what all the hub bub is about with Color Me Rad. Click on the above photos to stroll through the best of the best. Check out the write up at Place To Go/ People To Know and see all the photos on my Flickr portfolio. The shots of the kids will have you laughing…