a family photography of a family holding hand

Being Present & Connecting Deeply

“Joy is now, a choice and a creation.”
This month we’re exploring the third tenant of Live Life Lux; being present and connecting deeply to this one precious life. Like all things worthy of our time and energy, presence and connection are a practice. We don’t master it instantly, or maybe ever, but there is joy in becoming. We use intention to create space and time to connect what matters most to us.

North Wales Boudoir Photography Studio

Why Boudoir Photography? Observations from a Philadelphia Photographer

Recently we’ve been talking about what it means to Live Life Lux – the official motto of Lux Summit studio. In our previous blog, we discussed bringing intention into our lives daily in order to fuel our purpose and fulfillment. It can be as simple as going for a walk or it can be as bold as a boudoir photo session. There is a magic that happens when we open up and create space to experience something new, no matter how big or small that experience is. You see yourself and the world around you in new ways and come to realize truths you never knew were there. That’s the power of intention.