Community Events In Our North Wales Studio

Here at Kristen Kidd Photography we believe in making a difference in our local and global community. We also believe that making a difference can be fun and engaging. That’s why we want to invite you to join us for this season’s upcoming events. This fall grab a friend and head to the studio.
Each event is free of cost and will feature ways to make your world a better place.
You’ll find creative ways to get involved in your greater community.

Retrato Portrait Gallery

The Retrato/Portrait Project Gallery Opening: Where Local And Global Communities Collide Join Us For Beer, Wine, Raffles and More… You are cordially invited to celebrate the culture and people of Honduras with me on November 19th from 5:00p.m. – 8:00p.m.. I will be hosting a small gallery opening displaying a selection of pieces from the…

Guys! Come run with me! Also, stop by my booth at the fall fair that follows the run (same location). I’ll be taking complimentary snap shots of you and your pups! Plus, I’ll be running an exclusive offer at this event only: $50 for a $250 luxury gift certificate! Pay $50 and you’ll reserve your…

Dave and I began a journey in home buying several months ago. It led to a place we will soon call home. Right now it is a well constructed mountain of work. In between the carpet removal and the floor sanding, the demolition and the reconstruction; I’ve done what I know best to do with…