Photo Documentary Series: Punk Rock Flea Market Portrait Series Click on any image to enlarge. I’ve done stories on the Punk Rock Flea Market before, but this year, as a vendor, I was wedged between tables for the duration of the day. However, that didn’t mean I could capture the day with all its beautiful…

Photo Documentary: AIDS Fund Philly, Gay Bingo Click on any photo to enlarge image. Raising money for a good cause is fine, but sometimes when there are so many good causes and an abundance of need all around; one must get creative. Enter stage right: Drag Queens calling bingo. AIDS Fund Philly has several successful…

My coffee on the ledge series is one of my longest running series. I receive a huge response whenever I post these images. As I’ve said before, I think the ritual of the morning cup of coffee (or tea, or whatever your poison) is universal. It’s appealing in the mutual ambitions of each participant to…