a family photography of a family holding hand

Being Present & Connecting Deeply

“Joy is now, a choice and a creation.”
This month we’re exploring the third tenant of Live Life Lux; being present and connecting deeply to this one precious life. Like all things worthy of our time and energy, presence and connection are a practice. We don’t master it instantly, or maybe ever, but there is joy in becoming. We use intention to create space and time to connect what matters most to us.

On this snowy day I’m compelled to share a camera phone image – something I rarely do. However, occasionally, a moment with phone in hand will produce something truly compelling. This snap shot of my neighbor, who I adore for obvious reasons, is one such moment. She is amazing and this will not be the…

Melissa has been my most faithful fan (besides my fiancé, David, of course). It was with great joy that I provided my fourth photo session with her beautiful family in five years, in which her fifth wedding anniversary was celebrated. At this point I really should give her a photo session rewards punch card. Sincerely,…

At the end of my first session with Andrea, Dan and their, then, two year old son Christian, she disclosed that they hoped to have another baby in the near future asked me about a Watch Me Grow Series. The Watch Me Grow series documents the milestones of the first year of life. As a…

On a day that was no day in particular, besides a Wednesday, I received an excited, verging on frantic, call from my friend Nadja. “Hey, do you want to go see Kristyn and Dustin renew their vows wearing nothing but cutlery?” “What? Yes. What?” “These are all things that are happening right now.” “When?” I…

Dave and I began a journey in home buying several months ago. It led to a place we will soon call home. Right now it is a well constructed mountain of work. In between the carpet removal and the floor sanding, the demolition and the reconstruction; I’ve done what I know best to do with…

Photo Documentary: Photo Fun Day, Lansdale Click on any image to enlarge. Last weekend I did my first Spring In Spring Out Photo Fun Day project in Lansdale. I decided it’d be great fun to do marathon snap shots of people with their families, pets, friends – whatever. The event was free of charge and…

This weekend I planned to have a free community event in which people could stop by the park, hop in front of my camera and get a free photo. Sadly, the sky opened up and the rain poured down (No fear. Rain date is May 18th.), but I did stop by the park before the…